Everyone is allowed to be what they are, even to want and to do harm to someone, as for, they are not aware that they do everything to themselves first because EVERYTHING IS ONE AND ONE IS EVERYTHING! When someone wants to harm someone, then he first wants and does it to himself, it is this unconsciousness that the one who does evil has; if he was aware that he is doing it to himself, he wouldn’t do it.
We are not of that level of consciousness to speak of someone that he is a consciously malicious; we do not want to be attached to anyone’s predictions and perceptions of who is evil and who is not! From our level of consciousness EVERYTHING IS AS IT IS and we cannot condemn anything, therefore not even those actions that you call evil. These acts are acts of darkness and darkness has its base only when attention is paid to darkness, that is, when you pay attention to something you believe in it; and when you believe in something, then it grows in your reality. Do you understand us?
You all have your filters and your mind interpreters through which you create your realities and filter your experiences. One who believes that someone or something has power over another being is actually contributing to something negative happening to that person. Why? Because he believed that this person had no power of choice within him.
Don't get us wrong here – you didn't consciously allow someone to harm you (as you would call it), yet you are simply not aware of your Divine power and when you are not aware of ‘who you are’ then you are susceptible to various low vibrations. Darkness is a low vibration: jealousy, anger, pride, sadness, shame, embarrassment, apathy, hatred, etc., and you, if consciously or unconsciously nurture thoughts of anger, you will feel angry, and according to the law of the Universe you are receptive to such types of vibration. If you nurture thoughts of jealousy, you become receptive to those kinds of vibrations. It takes a high degree of awareness to see this in the way we appeal to you.
You were not created to be a target on which others will consciously or unconsciously point their arrows as they wish – you are powerful Divine beings who have the power to be self-aware and when you are aware that you are one with God who is love, who can do anything to you? Please contemplate what we are saying. What belief systems do you give the power to work instead of your consciousness, what belief systems are controlling you, in what do you believe it without even being aware that you believe it!?
Invite this to the light of consciousness and invite your spiritual guidance to help you perceive it in a Divine way. You can't do it in a cafe, but in silence with yourself and that's why it's difficult for you because you don't choose silence, you choose noise, you have to be with people or electronic devices for you to be alive, in our perception that is not liveliness, this is ego liveliness, because the ego distracts you from the journey inside which is the only real and right journey. There are all the answers you are looking for.
When you believe that other people's intentions towards you can be stronger than yours, does that tell you anything? It means that you have handed over the Divine power with which you are born and which is always a part of you to someone else and said: ‘decide in my name, choose in my name’. And then you get angry that you are not fulfilled – so you are not because you gave your car to some driver to drive as he wants and where he wants, and you do not wish to go there at all. It is natural then to be angry, because when you are angry you are always angry at yourself for handing over your power to someone else, it doesn’t seem that way to you because in anger you usually throw yourself at another, but that is the definition of anger at your psychosomatic level. Anger as a vibration is even desirable from our level of consciousness, because it helps you to crystallize in yourself what you do not want to do but you do it anyway.
Most Earthlings think that someone else is always responsible for the mental and emotional state they are in.
Dear ones, when will you understand that you can never draw into your reality something that does not already exist in you. It is the law of resonance of the Universe. The vibration finds a similar or the same vibration, they tune up so and create. What you may not want, it is sitting down in you in a latent, passive, unconscious state, but it is there, but it is there …
Why blame others or something else for how you experience yourself and what you experience. It is necessary to get out of the vibration of judgment because as long as you blame another you have given the other the power to create your own reality. And do you know, our dear ones, why you blame another? Because you blame yourself! There is nothing outside without being inside!
Everything that is outside, know that it is inside. What do we appeal constantly and constantly? Everything is inside, everything is inside and everything is inside! A caricature we would show the behaviour of most Earthlings would be: A man in front of a mirror threatens, shouts, and mocks himself, constantly waiting for the mirror to change its reflection first! The one in the mirror doesn't change until the one in front of the mirror changes, simply it is so and so it will be!
You are in a universe of free will, everything that exists has an equal right to be what it is, be it jealousy, or be it unconditional love. Although from our level of consciousness – everything is unconditional love – because unconditional love is God and there is nothing outside of God.
You have a challenge with yourself to understand Creation in a Divine way and that is that NOTHING IS GOOD OR BAD, EVERYTHING IS AS IT IS. God does not condemn any part of Himself, why would He, for everything have its purpose in Existence. Why do you blame ice cold water just because you are more comfortable in the warm?! If there was no ice cold water, you would not know what warm water is. Do not desecrate Creation with your interpretations, but understand it as it is – because as it is, it is MAGNIFICENT EXACTLY AS IT IS!
Remain in the Divine consciousness of who you really are.
Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.
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