spying, eye, spy


Your infallible navigator – the emotional body – represents a detector that ALWAYS shows you with Divine accuracy which vibration you are vibrating.

You always have a compass that is showing you your vibration – which means, you can never be lost, no matter how much you think you are. You can wander and wander if you don’t know where you’re going, but someday you’ll start following your inner compass to determine where you are and where you want to go. Every experience is just a lesson that contributes to the evolution of the soul, there is no fall from the level of consciousness of the spiritual world, it is always just a flight, because every experience – no matter how painful – it teaches something and contributes to the growth of self-awareness.

We would like to tell you something when you experience yourself as low vibrational – you would call it negative.

Enter with your full attention into that low vibrational experience of yourself, enter freely, it will not eat you, nor can it, just watch it bravely and consciously. It is as if you have to open a door and enter a room, visualize, open and enter, and you will see that ‘there is one big NOTHING’. Stay there with your consciousness and simply be without any effort to be – because you already are. Stay that way and contemplate.

You will realise very quickly how a NEUTRAL OBSERVER appears in your experience, you cannot but experience yourself through that observer because you yourself are THAT, UNTOUCHED, OMNISCIENT PEACE. Practice this at work, at home, anywhere and you will realise a new self. When you are in challenging periods of life call on your NEUTRAL OBSERVER, feel free to call that Divine part of yourself in perception, do not be afraid.

The divine part of you enters the scene only when you invoke it. There is no imposition in the nature of your ‘Higher Self’, it is the ‘beingness’ that already is, and such GREATNESS does not need any billboards or marketing campaigns to draw attention to itself.


Your perfect Divine nature does not need any fancy wrapping to attract attention, THIS DIVINE STATE IS ALREADY WITHOUT ANY TENSION AND WITHOUT NEED TO IMPOSE ITSELF. That perfect vibrational frequency of existence is you, our dear ones, you are created from such a Source and you carry in yourself such a perfect essence of God, nothing exists without that essence, everything that is created is made from it. Which will mean: God is infinity and you cannot be out of infinity, you are also part of that perfect Divine essence, thus PUT MORE FAITH IN IT.

Faith is an opening to knowledge or to experience. You know that in your relationships it is very much felt when you do not trust or trust someone – when you trust someone, that person opens completely and unconditionally to you, the same does your Divine inner self. When you do not trust in something or someone, you cannot even see the beauty of that person or something, the vibration of distrust blurs clarity, while faith crystallizes and opens the clarity of insight.

Have confidence in what you feel, it doesn't matter that you often don't like it, embrace all those unpleasant experiences, no one tells you to cuddle and kiss them, observe them neutrally because this is LOVE.

LOVE is when you don’t mess with something to condemn it, this is unconditional love, and when you have such an attitude to the parts of yourself that you don’t love – you knocked from inside and opened the door to faith that by itself removes murky cataracts and leads to the Divine perception of EVERYTHING THAT IS.

Remain in the Divine consciousness who you really are.


Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information

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