We are your Founders and we are immensely glad that we connect vibrationally in this way as well.
It hides something most of you wouldn’t believe. Our channel is interested and we wonder if we should bring it to you all the information behind the corona virus. Given that your planet is in a great transformation of consciousness, we will present our view of the above stated virus.
It is one targeted and consciously planned platform for causing panic that instills a vibration of fear and fear has the task of dividing and disrupting Unity. The coronavirus platform is a kind of agenda by the centers of the power of darkness to bring you back to them through the vibration of fear into the century-old monopoly of energy theft. As you know (please read the previous channeled materials as well) that the planet Earth is in its ascension on higher levels of existence. For the sake of clarity, we will say that you are moving to the dimension of higher frequency consciousness. This involves a type of cleansing from the lower frequencies that are in the planet itself, on the planet and in you. Everything that is of low frequency cannot move on higher levels of existence.
We will simplify: anger, resentment, control, fear and the like by their nature are at a low frequency of consciousness and until you become aware of them, let them go and send them into the light there is resistance to ascension. Low vibrations are not bad they are just low. In the dual worlds in which you exist there must be ‘low’ in order to be experienced‘ high ’, a model of contrast must exist.
However, when there is resistance to ascension or consciousness, then there is no balance, and the lack of balance disables receiving higher vibrations into one's being. Any kind of resistance disrupts the living organism and this erodes the immune defense system. It can be a snake bite, and any other virus or bacteria. You know that fear creates resistance, because fear is darkness and darkness is a lack of light. When the light is on, the darkness no longer exists. Those who give importance to darkness lose light and do not resonate with higher frequencies and that is light for us.
Frequencies of light are descending more and more on your planet and if you have the resistance to receive them,you will not be able to move to higher planes of existence. How can you fly if you are not aware of your own wings?
The function of the oncoming frequencies of light is only to illuminate the darkness, however many do not allow it, so some out of fear, some out of ignorance move to other worlds (you would say ‘die’). Every soul that is now on planet Earth made a conscious choice to be present in this apocalyptic time. Planet Earth has never experienced what it is experiencing now. It is happening that you in the human body ascend to higher levels of existence together with your planet. It is one kind of instrument, our dear ones, it has not happened in this way in Creation until now. That is why you are the most watched show in the Universe.
Planet Earth offers different classes of consciousness for the growth and evolution of the soul. Here one can experience states of the darkest darkness and the brightest light, and that is why many souls have rushed to this part of the universe to experience themselves, knowing that experience is equal to growth.
Again, we would ask you to read the previous channeled materials to understand the higher picture of the laws, and the law of free will that rule on your planet. Many families of darkness have betrayed the Laws of One and Oneness and are therefore deprived of the right to act on this level of existence. They were also too much in the centers of power and made a great prison out of humanity. Such a time has come to an end.
This virus they created was released with the goal of enslaving you again with fear and death.
However, the forces of light have used this chaotic state for the purposes of light and liberation. You have different types of information about the virus through the media, but you will never find out through the official media what exactly is behind the coronavirus.
You know, this is very difficult for those who don’t consider themselves multidimensional beings, those who are stuck in dogmatic belief systems that they are just a physical body and that they are only what they can see with their own eyes.
But we can no longer wait for those who only see with the eyesight, to come to their senses, we are here primarily addressing those who know deep inside, sense and are sure that beings are created from pure light which is unconditional love. Under such circumstances in which you are in, we are aware that it is difficult for you to understand all this through unconditional love, but we cannot look otherwise than that everything is unconditional love.
In a way, everything had to be stopped systematically in order to be able to restart. You know that when your computer freezes, you can't do anything during the restart. This is exactly what is happening on planet Earth. Money is in all pores of your social organization, centers of darkness that profit thanks to your energies (you can't even imagine the ways you make money for them) …
The action of the ‘dark’ could only be stopped in this way. Many will say that these are not ‘light’ actions and we will answer: the virus is not the intention of light nor was created from ‘bright ones’ but the moment of arbitrariness of the ‘dark’ was very much taken advantage of. This isn't the first virus you're killing yourself with, this is the thousands, but no one on planet Earth can stop the light anymore.
Your social system is arranged so that it can only function through intermediary value and that is money. Money is the deed of the centers of darkness through which you are bought. However, your intermediary value system has been respected, but it will be confirmed and placed in gold, which means: the wealth you have will be equally distributed and directed to the common good of all. Elites through centers of power will no longer be able to exist on your planet because their means of existence is being abolished. And the means for their survival on your planet is your energy, not money. Your energy had to be disconnected in sustaining the way money is made.
Looking at your frequencies we can say that there are many who panic and who are in fear because they are afraid of hunger. It is a sign to us that one who is afraid of hunger is mostly at a low frequency of consciousness that dwells on the existence and survival of only the physical body.
No wonder because for thousands of years the centers of power have programmed you to direct all the energy (unconditionally given to you by Divine creation) and spend it on the survival of the physical body. By keeping you in ignorance through education, religion, inhumane economics, you have maintained a dark ungodly system of life with your energies. You are a kind of instrument that shows the whole of Creation how it is possible to forget the Divine nature in low / dense vibrations but you have also shown us how it is possible to be and remain light in very low frequencies of consciousness.
The situation will last but everything in its nature has its end. Stay in your spiritual hearts as Divine detectors because only from there are you benevolently guided and informed. Many minds will expect prosperity to prevail overnight. Cannot appear a clean space that has been poisoned and dirty for thousands of years.
Many minds also ask and weep for the dead. Sorry, their immune systems couldn’t detect the virus in time as an enemy but trust us their souls are in a brighter energy climate than you. Stop crying and be aware of where your attention is. Much is NOW needed for more conscious souls who will be the channels and catalysts of a higher frequency of consciousness as opposed to the consciousness of the majority.
You who know ‘who you are’ – Divine beings of light in human uniform – this is the time for you. We publicly invite you to your awareness in practice. Lectures and theories of ‘who you are’, and what is your ‘Higher Self‘ has passed, you have enough information which you now need to ‘practically be’. Now you are a firefighter who extinguishes the fire in the field, there is no longer so much need to read and educate yourself how to extinguish a fire and which device is the best. This is true for those who sense and know that we are addressing them. Those for whom this kind of information is nonsense – we are sorry.
The best fire extinguisher (of panic and fear) is your Divine Detector. Be mindful in your Divine detectors, you’ve practiced enough, now ‘be’ and that’s all. You will be subtly guided by your Higher Spiritual Guidance as to what to do at a given moment. In order to be guided by Higher Spiritual Guidance you must be present and in order to be present you must be with your attention in the Divine Detectors within yourself. Most minds look for clear ‘how’ steps, and we answer you: time for theory, information, education, study was enough, you have different steps to ‘presence’, it is yours now to be ‘presence’ in practice.
The one in you who is afraid of hunger – observe from the Divine Detector.
The one in you whose heart is beating because he thinks he is dying – observe from your Divine detector.
The one in you who thinks he's going to lose his job and thus die also observe from the Divine Detector.
The one in you who is afraid to be alone with himself observe from the Divine Detector within you.
Observe all that does not inspire you, send it into the light, invite your ‘Higher Spiritual Guidance’ to lead you and ease this great period for all of you. It’s great precisely because it pushes all the low-frequency content out of you into the light of consciousness, which is why it’s GREAT. After the great pain of the mother in natural childbirth, there is such inspiration that she no longer remembers the birth pain. You are all giving birth in one way now, even though you are not all women. Otherwise, we like to convey information in analogies and allegories, because the soul as your ‘Divine Self’ resonates with analogies and not with charts as the mind’s favorite expressions.
Stay in your Divine Detectors because in this way you are contributing to planetary ascension because that is exactly why you are where you are. All those who are attracted to this kind of information are souls who contribute to the balance that is NOW needed. The plane of existence that has a dual principle of existence (light-dark, bad-good, male-female) is called by many Earthlings the lower world, and we will answer ‘NEVER’, in such worlds light can also shine as in all planes of existence.
There is nothing outside of God, everything is God, so you are also part of the Divine essence of light that is, invoke now your Divine nature and stay in that consciousness, we will be in touch.
With your consciousness like with the umbilical cord, be connected to the Divine Source within you while you are on your social networks, while you are in your homes and everyday lives. ALWAYS be aware of your multidimensional nature, you don’t have to do anything to be because you already are. Awareness itself raises the vibration of both you and your environment where you are.
Remain in the Divine consciousness who you really are.
Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.
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