(A part of channelled material called: ‘Wake up, it's time’)
Dear ones, the period you are in is enormously important for you and your planet and for the galaxy you are in. You are simply in a cosmic event, an event of cosmic proportions. Everything that rules ‘dark’ on planet Earth is collapsing.
You are witnesses to that, you witness it. Everything that is coloured by ego interest simply falls away and is stripped. You have become witnesses of the world collapsing before your eyes – you have rocked it, our dear ones. Your light has set in motion the stripping of the darkness that has ruled and still ruling on your planet. True, much less, but it’s still there. You who are reading this are of light and you will recognize this deep in your hearts. Don't hesitate to admit to yourself that you are special – you are special.
Everything is authentic in its existence – simply EVERYTHING.
You are in such a cosmic momentum in which your spaceship – planet Earth rises and shakes off everything that vibrationally no longer suits it. Your Mother Earth has moved into higher spheres of existence, it is yours whether you want to be with her or not! She’s not coming back, she’s going forward – know that.
You are aware that a very large number of souls have left the Earth recently and will still be leaving it. Souls who are still in young bodies, heart attacks, strokes are becoming more common because those souls are not ready to ascend to higher planes of existence or were not allowed by their prenatal contracts they signed before they were born.
These souls may have seemed joyful, positive, etc. to you, but they simply left Earth because they wouldn't be able to withstand all these vibrational changes that are there and that are coming more and more intensely. You who are still there – through such and similar messages you will know what is happening and it will be easier for you to deal with everything that comes.
The higher frequencies of light emitted towards your planet Earth will be stronger and more intense – your bodies and minds should be ready to receive such high vibrations. Your DNA structures are changing thanks to these higher frequencies of light emitted towards the Earth. Your DNA structures are changing and activating the most while you sleep, because you do not create any resistance to receive high frequent vibrations of light. They help your DNA chain to decode, unlock and start working according to Divine law and code.
Many minds will think, ‘how do we receive all this while we sleep, where is our free will’? You signed it and agreed to that role long before you were born on planet Earth. You have agreed to be the pioneers of a new consciousness on Earth and you have been that since a long time. You are a kind of light transformer. Why? Because the light you receive is quite high frequency – you receive it, sublimate as much as you can and emit it where you are.
You know that everything is a vibration and that everything in the Divine Creation communicates through vibrations. Vibration is the universal language of ‘ALL CREATED’ – REMEMBER THIS! Through vibrations you create, you connect in groups, you get closer, you act – all thanks to vibrations. Your minds translate vibrations but in our judgment always incorrect or very, very little accurate.
We have already stated in the previous material through our channel what an interpreter of reality is, what a mental translation is, what are the beliefs through which you experience yourself. Beliefs are your frameworks for everything you experience and how you experience it. It is necessary to get an insight of the belief – an insight itself breaks them and then you stop being hostages of the established concepts of self-experience.
We would ask you to get familiar with this in the previously channelled materials.
In this material, we will talk more about the current changes in which you are and which are coming. Be prepared for what is to come. When you know what’s coming then it’s easier to go through it all. You know by yourself that when you are experiencing something more than once – you are simply more confident in it and that is what we want to induce in you with this material – confidence in what is coming.
Do not be afraid and do not judge yourself. Be present in your body and spirit because it is essential that these upcoming frequencies of light receive as many of you as possible. Someone must receive them so that they can stabilize and spread out on planet Earth. You, our dear ones, are serving this task. You are the ones who receive these high frequency vibrations and establish them where you are through your bodies. No fruit can sprout until Mother Earth receives it, same with the fetus in the womb. You are the ones who get pregnant with these high frequency vibrations and you will give birth to them. Many of you are already giving birth to them and emitting them.
Remain in the Divine consciousness of who you really are.
Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.
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