Here we are, our dear ones, we are here again to remind you of the information of a higher vibration of power, self-awareness, that is light.
On your planet, the centers of power are getting replaced, but only on the stage setting of the game. One and the only one is behind all the scenes that are played in dual universes, REMEMBER THAT, REMEMBER THAT children of eternal Light. Families of darkness have been losing their center of power for decades. The process of changing power centers in your galaxy has been going on for a long time. The closer you get to the Central Galactic Sun, the more the Light illuminates the darkness, enlightens it, releases it, and transcends it.
Remember one of the five Laws of ‘All That Is’ – ‘Change is the only constant’. Without change there is no transcendence. Your planet is rising and that is because it is a Cosmic law and decree. Your Earth ship is striving for the highest level of consciousness and that is the Central Sun of your galaxy. All beings strive for it. It's everyone's DNA record. The beings of the family of darkness are not aware of this, they seek fulfilment in the centralization of power, the enslavement of others and apparent material well-being. It is the power of the ego; the power of the ‘lower self’, such power has a limited and finite amount of power no matter that doesn’t seem to you now.
We call your universe the ‘Universe of Oblivion’ which NOW remembers its essential Divine nature and it is deeply engraved in the DNA of your universe. No one, but no one can ever stop it. When your freedoms are restricted it is just a sign of their weakness. The more the handcuffs and the shackles of your freedoms tighten the more it is just a sign that they are losing the ground and power they had for centuries. Light does not know how strong and powerful it is until it has enough darkness to illuminate it. Both polarities are part of God's creation. Nothing is bad or good, but everything is as it is.
The beings of the family of darkness went away from themselves, from the Light within themselves. They chose in accordance with their ignorance and ignorance to serve the darkness. He who serves darkness is not calm, in peace and unconditional love. It is suffering and the inner discord of soul and mind. Everyone has the right to choose to return to their Source.
Try to understand how a being of darkness feels, he must constantly think of how he must find satisfaction from the outside through exploiting the energies and consciousness of other beings. Imagine how a being that is always looking for something outside is and how he believes that only through someone else’s energy can he survive. The reservoir of life, the lights provide through others, why – because they do not have it in themselves or do not become aware of it. It is a constant war and discord within such beings. That’s why you’re not here to judge but to shine, remember that. When you are aware of your Divine nature within yourself, you are simply indestructible. You are indestructible always but you are experientially indestructible when you are aware through your body where you are now and here. Awareness activates God’s potential in you. We would repeat this a million times for you to feel the strength and power of this truth.
You achieve awareness through spiritual practices. Conscious spiritual practices center consciousness in the spiritual hearts which represents the bridge of you and the ‘Higher Self’. You become aware of and open your multidimensionality exclusively through awareness and in no other way. The earthly scenario of changing the center of darkness into the center of light was chosen only by those souls who were enthroned in light and Divine consciousness. Without you, such a cosmic shift could not have happened and be experienced. If you couldn't, you wouldn't be where you are, you have chosen and you have been chosen children of light. You are the recipients of light infusions by which the consciousness of Oneness spreads further. The golden age does not come instantly, it is a process dear ones, the essence is in the journey and in the one who observes and witnesses that journey.
Souls who leave the earthly plane of existence are souls who have completed their chosen path and thank them for that. They didn't die, they went behind the scenes. In this way, we especially address those souls who say goodbye to their loved ones. They crossed because they chose to and respect their decision. On the conscious levels of your mind you may not be able to comprehend it that way but know that it is so. They have done much for the Light, believe it so and thank them deeply from your hearts.
Keep shining, stay centered and true to yourself. You are a great inspiration and the most watched show in the Universe. Give time to all those around you to awaken with your light.
The virus of light – it's you. The virus of light is spreading and nothing can stop it, and you are its strongest transmitters. Thank you on behalf of the consciousness of ‘ALL THAT IS’.
Remain in the Divine consciousness who you really are.
Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.
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