Here we are again, our dear cosmic Earthlings.
We want to remind you again of your cosmic missions here where you are and we want to send you a few important messages and notes.
You are so surrounded and informed by false and ‘dark’ information regarding the event you are in, that we are left stunned by the skills of the ‘dark ones’ in deception. Those who are not in collaboration with themselves can really believe in anything and everything because their ‘Divine Detector’ is not working.
You know that when your car engine breaks down, you can't get very far, and that's what happens to your navigation systems inside of you. When you are not aware of your navigation mechanism in the spiritual heart then you are the channel and receiver of much low frequency information that later on live through you as your body becomes their home. Without you these latent energies (low frequency thought forms) cannot live but you can without them. Your attention keeps them alive and thanks to those who are spreading the information of ‘darkness’, ‘darkness’ remains on your planet.
Planet Earth has been home to ‘darkness’ for eons of years and it is not willing so easy to leave the Earth, however it is aware that it must, it is a matter of galactic, cosmic postulates and deadlines. ‘Darkness’ is ready to keep you as much as possible in low vibrations so that you would not raise your awareness. ‘Darkness’ couldn’t have lived this long on your planet if you hadn’t fallen for it. Thanks to your fear, it lived. The more you release your fear the more the darkness transcends and disappears.
You are truly warriors of light, the light warrior has no tank or sword or gun; he is a warrior because he is ready to become aware of himself and as such to shine. THE TOOL OF THE LIGHT WARRIOR IS CONSCIOUSNESS. This is for us a warrior. You are warriors for us because you knew you were coming to a zone where there is no light, no Divine Consciousness. Every soldier knows that when he goes to war he does not go to a ball or to pleasant parties, but you have sworn to yourself that you will make so exciting party out of darkness that the universe has not seen for a long time. What you have signed, you are succeeding, do not be deceived or give your navigation systems to others to guide you, you are the one who is directly connected to the Source with your consciousness of ‘the one who is’ and as such receives, transmits and applies light codes there where you are.
War has been fought on planet Earth for eons of years, but war has NEVER had a more sophisticated enslavement technology than it does today. Sophisticated technology of the ‘dark ones’ enslaves and steals your consciousness, because they know that when they take away your consciousness, they have taken EVERYTHING from you. However, many have woken up from a bears sleep, although some yawning begin to look at the stars but it is essential that they raised their heads.
Who are you?
Our brothers and sisters, our children of cosmic descent, volunteered to come to planet Earth that was screaming for help. Light was necessary and you are the ones who signed that you will forget that you are light and as you come out of your own oblivion of ‘the one who you are’ you start to shine with such brilliance that we are delighted with the inspiration. It’s something like your experience when a parent is proud of their child and that feeling isn’t even close to what we feel for you now.
Our children, our light, please be as aware as possible of your cosmic origins and do not allow yourself to be deceived by information of fear, viruses, imprisonment, vaccines, quarantine and what not. Do not directly resist the dark system that enslaves you. Your consciousness of light and your inner attitude that you are no longer their hostages and that you have seen through them does not hold such a system in power. You are something like an avatar to which they put a thousandth chain on his feet and you break those chains without a single drop of blood. It's you.
The dark ones control your emotions with many energy technologies that you don't even know about, but they realize that you have seen through them and they realize that none of what they did is going according to plan anymore. They have started to be so afraid of you and that is why they are introducing more and more restrictions because they are afraid of your awakened power. A sign that they are afraid are the new prohibitions they set. The more you resist them with your light consciousness, the more they squeeze you. Know then that you are doing your missions very well. This time we want to strongly emphasize it.
Are you as aware of your strength as we are aware of yours?
Are you aware that you have placed light information on the surface and started illuminating where the light has never illuminated?
Are you aware that you are participating in the greatest drama of light and darkness in the history of this universe?
Those are great times and great events, stay in your spiritual hearts because you are ascending every day and every hour.
Please don’t worry about the sudden physical pain you are having now, decoding is happening at all levels of your being.
Turn off the TVs or, if they are on, absorb more high-frequency vibration content. Be aware that you are receivers even of what you are not aware of. There is not only what you are aware of with your conscious mind. You are hostages of the ‘dark ones’ just because you are sponges that absorb both dirty and clean water, the sponge receives, there is no awareness of what it receives, it only receives. You have such a function until you become aware of the power of Choice and the ability to communicate with your ‘Higher spiritual guidance’. It is communication without intermediaries, there is no translator who can translate to you incorrectly – do you understand us!
Never in the evolution of the human race has contemplation, meditation, presence, and conscious breathing been so much needed. NOW IS THE TIME LIKE NEVER, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS NOW.
We know that you are as excited as we are, you turn on your news media to inform yourself because on subtle levels you are ‘constantly expecting something’, that something is already happening and it is much different from how the official media informs you.
You are aware of your flawless inner media that always guide you where your well-being is, not personal, but common. Trust your light navigation and be in your sacred silence. Do not argue, do not condemn, do not stone, just be in your truth through the inner media of light.
Do your daily work as consciously as possible, rest when the body shows signs of fatigue, trust your body, get out of the noisy world of ‘darkness’ because there the truth is imposed, you know who you are, light is not imposed, light is.
We hug you and know that you are performing miracles with your presence. We also know that many do not believe in themselves as much as we believe in you because we know who you are – you are children of light.
Remain in the Divine consciousness of who you really are.
Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.
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