How to be without presence?
One can actually be on Earth without a presence but it is an unconscious existence.
How many times you are somewhere, but you aren’t?
How many times you are with someone, but you aren’t?
How many times have you been there, in that body, in that place but you are not with your consciousness where your body is? – Many times, right? It takes honesty to admit and confirm this to oneself. A restless mind never likes where it is at the moment, it always wants to be somewhere else. Very rarely or not at all are you where you are.
And how to be a channel of Divine energy when you are not where you are? It’s like when you want water to flow through a pipe to the main outlet but water flows through hundreds of holes from the pipe and almost nothing reaches the main outlet. In this inefficient way, the energy flows out of you! It is not directed, it is not conscious but it is dissipated, unconscious and ineffective. Thus one does not become a conscious co-creator of his life.
Consciousness keeps the Divine creative energy focused, when there is no consciousness that energy dissipates into a million thoughts, emotions, feelings, impressions (based on memory), bodily sensations, it is simply ineffective. This is illustrated by your saying on Earth: ‘Pouring from hollow to empty’ – that’s exactly it! It is when you unconsciously exist, when you unconsciously experience yourself.
Consciously experiencing yourself means being aware of where you are. Namely – not having control over what is happening to you (and when you think you have control you don't really have, it's just a trap of your ego mind), but to consciously surrender to the flow of life and to accept everything that life brings with the inner attitude: What I have to learn here ‘? This means that you do not judge, that you have come out of the vibration of judgment and entered the vibration of acceptance and the state of trust that ALL IS ONE AND ONE IS ALL, that GOD IS LOVE AND THAT YOU CANNOT BE DECEIVED IN ANY WAY.
The main trump card of your ‘ego self’ is conspiracy theory. It simply enjoys making an enemy of your life through interpretations that are constantly and continually presenting to you. Contemplate this – you will realise that it is constantly making your enemies from people, situations and circumstances. Look at that very well presented enemy directly in the eye, look at him with attention in the spiritual heart and do nothing, just watch him. You will realize very quickly that it is one great illusion in which you, by habit and very automatically, believe in, without a bit of awareness and silence within yourself. You are more than labels of your mind.
Only you can choose not to live automated instinctive labels and programs that are very intrusive and noisy. There is one ‘GREAT’ who stands behind the noise of the mind and observes, enter that Higher part of yourself and observe. With such readiness and will, everything dissolves that you believed you are, but you are not. From such a sacred place in you, you can't even hate those labels; they just reveal themselves to you and fall off like autumn leaves. Enter with your attention into that holy place in you and allow everything to be as it is – BECAUSE WITHOUT THE LABELS OF YOUR INTERPRETERS OF REALITY, EVERYTHING IS PERFECT EXACTLY AS IT IS!
Remain in the Divine consciousness who you really are.
Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.
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