sea, sunrise, sky


You have come from the spiritual environment to the physical universe to experience yourself. You have temporarily settled in your bodies to play a little bit on the planet Earth – called the Grand Stage. You play your roles through different genres: comedy, tragedy, farce, an absurd comedy, melodrama… Some choose in many past lives to experience themselves only through tragedy, some through comedy, it doesn’t matter, it is important that you experience yourself. Earthly theatre cannot be a theatre without roles; the only question is how do you play – consciously or unconsciously?

What is unconscious living? It’s an experience when you’re not aware that you’ve come to play. It is an immersion in earthly roles from which you never come out off stage to see yourself from a higher level of consciousness. It is an experience as if you are hostages of life, circumstances, people and everything around you. It is an experience through helplessness because you do not know who you are and you don’t know yourself. And when did you go to talk about it with your inward / essence, namely, with yourself? You rather turn on the TV, open a beer, fridge or closet to dress nicely to be seen and outwardly beautiful. But again, when you come back from that outside, the restlessness remained and again that's not it.

 What is conscious living? It’s an experience when you’re aware that you’ve come to play. This automatically leads to a more light-hearted and relaxed ‘experience of yourself’ as you get out of identification with thoughts and emotions. You are getting out of the mind-emotional patterns and enter into the essence that is your original state. Meditation is just that – observing what you are not, because that is the only way how you get to what you are.

How do you observe? Very simple – direct your attention (your great Divine tool for creation) to the spiritual heart, to the breathing, the mantra, as you wish, and in that way you automatically break the connection with the ‘lower / earthly self’ and connect with the ‘Higher Self’. With a conscious decision, you get out of a limited experience into a more omnipresent and limitless perspective.

Meditation is when you are in materialization (Earthly Stage) with one foot and you are in the Primal Spiritual House with the other foot. You just borrowed this earthly house for one of the scenes on stage anyway. You do not carry anything when you pass into the spiritual world except the experience of yourself, the matter does not go with you, it remains in the matter, where it should be.

Meditation is the shortest and most direct path to self-realization.

Meditation is contemplation from within and the courage to embark on a journey called ‘inside’. Everything is inside, your world is your mirror, it is simply so and so it will be. We know that it ‘hurts’ you when you go ‘inside’ with attention, because there you have hidden a lot of pain, depression, anxiety, sadness, resistance, jealousy, anger and what not! Meditation confronts but also liberates. Everything that comes to the light of consciousness, Divine grace melts and nullifies.

It’s embarrassing at first to ‘travel inside’ because you switched on the light and saw what you are not, but you believed you are. When you embark on a longer journey, you somehow know that you will arrive, in that way you also need to understand this journey; you just need to sit down, take chance and go. In meditation, you only do not sit in the car but in your spiritual heart, let the steering wheel be your attention, whenever you turn into negative thought-emotional patterns, you just turn to your Centre – to your spiritual heart.

Remain in the Divine consciousness who you really are.


Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information

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