What is my passion? What is it that makes me fulfilled? – You are asking yourself now and we are answering: – Presence, Presence and Presence.
You are sometimes, our dear ones, so preoccupied with tomorrow that you constantly miss the present. Most people seek fulfilment in ‘tomorrow’, are you aware that ‘today’ creates ‘tomorrow’? After all – when you are present you are always creating Divinely. Why? – Because when you are present you are the most flowing channel for Divine navigation. You are then receiving because you are already what you receive.
We have said and will say again: You cannot expect your image to move first in the reflection of the mirror, the reflection follows your intention and deed. The reflection is your reality, when you frown, your physical reality is also frowning, when you smile, your physical reality also smiles.
Who's the one frowning? – The question is now?
Who is the one smiling? – The question is now?
One who has come to play in this dimension of reality and to remember ‘what you already are’ wherever you are.
‘Hmm’ – you’ll say – ‘too metaphorical for me’ – but we claim it is not.
Whenever you are contemplative in something you understand yourself on the deeper levels of your being. Contemplation has nothing to do with your mental concepts, contemplation is always and forever connected to your Divine self, you all have it, and the fact that you don't believe it is your choice. Everything that exists came from spiritual light; matter is condensed light so you are always and forever of a spiritual nature and only then physical. Engage a little more with your ‘Original Self’ and less with the ‘Earth Self’, the ‘Earth Self’ always sees less than the Divine Self. When you get sick you usually go to a bigger expert and doctor for that field, so we reveal to you that within yourself you have a doctor for everything, you just have to believe in it! The greatest doctor you all have is life itself.
The way you experience life speaks best about yourself. When you are conscious, the Divine part of you navigates and creates through you; when you are not conscious, then through you the ‘Earthly Self’ creates. You are in one way always someone’s instrument, either the ‘Higher Self’ is creating through you or the ‘Lower Self’ is creating through you, however, you are always the instruments of one of your ‘Selves’.
You in one way, are always giving body and mind to ‘one of the selves’ in rent for use. ‘Forgiveness’ is the frequency of the ‘Higher Self’, and then that creates through you. Annoyance, principledness, fear, jealousy represents the frequency of the ‘Lower Self’ and then that creates through you.
These vibrations need someone's body and mind to dance their dance, the only question is which vibration you agree to dance. Are you aware of your own power of choice? One who is aware and without any doubt knew that he has the power of choice, has risen to a great frequency level. When you are not aware of your own power then you are not aware at all. The power of choice is freedom and freedom is everything.
Which ‘self’ do you serve today, our dear ones? Which ‘self’ do you pay more attention today? Which ‘self’ did you invite to the dance today? Do you dance with the thought-emotional entities of fear or forgiveness?
What it means to be aware? To be aware means knowing at every level of your being that you have the power of choice and as soon as you know you have the power of choice you have already stepped into the ‘Divine Self’ to experience yourself through it. It is infallible Divine navigation. You ask – ‘so how can I be aware’?
Inhale a couple of times consciously, enter with attention your spiritual heart and stay there. Then inevitably comes a distance from the thoughts and emotions through which you experience yourselves and a new experience is created, then you come out of the experience of the ‘Earthly Self’ which is always more limited than the ‘Divine Self’.
The ‘Divine self’ is not revealed through mental concepts and labels, it is recognized. What is, what has been and what will be – can only be recognized but not learned because it is not new, it simply is and it is you! Witness the ‘Earthly Self’ from the ‘Divine Self’ – you will see what a turnaround is created in your experience. Don't analyse, just try. It is simply so and so it will be.
Divine navigation is always present, just as a parent’s love for a child is always present.
Remain in the Divine consciousness who you really are.
Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.
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