sunset, lighthouse, dawn


Our dear Earthlings, – we are your Founders; we have not spoken through this channel for a long time. Our channel has been preparing an address on the internet where we will now have a place for more regular information and illumination. Thanks to our channel, a lot of effort has been put into it.

We have a lot to tell you.

Namely, it is still going on, as we ourselves said, ‘a turbulent state on your beautiful planet’. Power games are still being played and much is now uncertain for Earthlings. Those who are in their spiritual centre – will not be so susceptible to the influences of ‘technology of dark ones’, because consciousness nullifies low frequency. And the ‘dark ones’ – as we have stated many times – represent scientists and creators of low-frequency experiential states.

You are simply NOW the most watched show believe it or not, the most watched because never in the history of this universe has there been such an exciting show. A show where the centre of darkness can't give up on your planet because it has ruled it for a long time and it simply believe that the planet Earth is their property. They are amazing in their belief that something that is Divine can be anyone’s.

You know, there is no ownership in the higher dimensions of existence, better to say in the ‘higher states of consciousness’. Ownership does not exist, who is the one who can possess God's creation – no one – believe us, no one, but no one and no one and never.

The higher states of consciousness of ascended civilizations serve the Wholeness through heart technology, and heart technology is an action for the ‘common good’ and in no other way. The dark ones also have their purpose in Creation no matter how much you don’t see it now, but on your planet they have, we admit, long ago stepped out of the 5 laws of ‘all that is’. When these laws are not obeyed then part of the universe wants to be possessed and ruled; God does not rule – God is and therefore – civilizations of light and many Higher planes of existence are helping you in this very extraordinary energy climate on your planet.

You are not alone, you are not alone and you are not alone. The Divine Decree has since long time ago been permanent for this part of the universe, and it is the path to the Higher Plane of Existence that is inevitable, you are in a progressive universe that can never go backwards, your path is upward and no other way.

Those who experience themselves as multidimensional conscious beings, those who are aware that they are truly created by God's spark of creation called Unconditional Love, those who are aware that they have the power of choice given by God's decree, can never get sick from the virus that rules on your planet. And if they get sick, it’s because there are repressed low-frequency beliefs that are dissolving through the experience of the virus. This is called in the evolution of the soul the ‘dark night of the soul’ where going inside is necessary, raising awareness, releasing, getting insights… That is why darkness has its base in light – so it is, so it will be.

Those who decide from the soul to remain in the body, conscious of God's potential within them will not move, nor, as you say, ‘die’ – that word does not exist for us. Those who are in low-frequency states of consciousness – will not be able to carry out these high-frequency energies that are constantly, but constantly arriving on your planet – these energies are simply too strong. That doesn't mean that they are less valuable and that they are ‘dark’ – oh no, never, it just means that they decided that way because they no longer feel comfortable or not at all exciting. Each soul arranges its continuation and transition with its spiritual guides, spiritual guidance and simply never but never are abandoned because ALL IS ONE AND ONE IS ALL.

Then, all the statistics that you watch and follow through the official media are there to scare you because these are the last shoots of their presence on your planet. You know, there are very few members of the civilizations of darkness on your planet – however, the system they leave behind is dark and those who profit from such a system can't let go of the reins, but they will let go – that is not your task.


It is quite natural to jump out of the spiritual heart as the omnipresent medium of the Divine Navigation Mechanism, however whenever you jump out you feel it and when you feel it just come back, as a child runs into the arms of a mother who is always love, trust and comfort. Don’t waste your vital energies on analyses of ‘because you are for who knows which time angry, aggressive, passive, aching, sad, apathetic’… Having the consciousness that such states are not your original states, dissolves those same states from your being. It is not instant, because ‘being conscious’ is not one action that is done and that is it, consciousness is initiating your confidence that you are part of the Almighty God energy that is, was and will be. Consciousness activates the Divine potential in your DNA codes; CONSCIOUSNESS is the key that opens every door.

Please do not resist the souls who have decided to stop this journey in this body. They never stopped journey, because journey is life. Why do you have resistance to those who are leaving the burden because they simply do not know what to do with it and are tired… Respect their choices, no matter how much seems to you they have not chosen it.

You guardians of the light codes on planet Earth, keep being guardians, because the light codes within you are constantly activated by energies from the Central Galactic Sun. You are, you don’t need to be anything more than what you already are. Be aware of who you are and stay in your spiritual centres through activities that motivate, inspire, calms you down. When the body follows the passion of the soul it becomes healthier and it is the best way to store and emit frequencies of light.

Please, we want to add something here for you to understand as comprehensively as possible:

Light is information and next to information there is LOVE. When information is used without LOVE, then the laws of the Wholeness are violated, and when information or knowledge is used in LOVE, this is respecting the Wholeness and recognizing oneself in ‘All that is’.

Lightworkers always apply the information of light through love and in love, while with beings of darkness it is not so. When knowledge is used through LOVE then civilizations elevate themselves to the Higher planes of existence and that is what is happening right now on your planet. Those who use the information of light for personal good must simply leave, because understand: light is knowledge and is available to everyone, but you can use that knowledge to make an atomic explosion to destroy everything or to make the well-being of living on your planet.

The period has come in the evolution of humanity when humanity is divided into those who use knowledge through love and those who use knowledge without love. There are places in the universe that with their level of consciousness can be future homes to beings that do not use knowledge through love, but that place will no longer be planet Earth.

Nothing looks like that to you, many have suicidal thoughts and emotions because great energy cleansings are underway and there will be more. Everyone is given an opportunity and we can even say more opportunities to release, to become aware of low-frequency beliefs that are not compatible with the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness in which you have a long time ago headed for. Everything we say will be more intense and more obvious. Body aches are alarms that call your attention inside, they are opportunities for growth. Perspectives change by traveling inside and in no other way.

You are the purifiers of the low-frequency collective earth consciousness – you are the guardians of the frequency of light but at the same time the purifiers who are voluntarily on planet Earth to help evolve this part of the universe into the Higher-conscious planes of existence. You have to admit that it is a great honour and inspiration to all of us that you are where you are.

You are truly our cosmic Phoenix. Call your Higher Spiritual Guides to guide you, so it will be much easier and more comfortable to make through this very critical and turbulent time for you. Know that this is just a station in the evolution of your soul. No child remained in the mother's womb without coming out. Everything has an end because in the end there is always a new beginning.

Remain in the Divine consciousness who you really are, our children of light.


Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.

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