head, world, globe


You lose your wallet with all your evidence of who you are! As if without all those documents you are not what you are!? It is proof of how attached you are to your material world and how attached you are to formal documents about who you are. When you lose your ID, there is panic, anxiety, fear, confusion; it's amazing what this event trigger in you, if only you could then observe yourself. Your interpreter of reality is immediately writing possible scenarios of what is to come, ‘how without ID cards now, bank cards, how without driver’s licenses, requirements in the Police, etc.

The third dimension of existence in which you are represents the dimension of attachment to form – matter – what is perceived with the eyes. Unbelievable how much of attachment is created between the Divine being / spirit in body and matter!? You have to admit that this is a really fascinating method and environment for the evolution of the soul.

The mind is the one that is bound to matter, the soul cannot be bound because it is the spirit, and the spirit cannot be bound. Can you tie the air? Try it and you will see that it is unthinkable, same for the soul! The mind is also intangible, but it holds you to ‘matter’ through your beliefs in a limited relationship. What your interpreter of reality presents to you, you put faith in it and when you put your faith in it then you believe, and when you believe then you manifest exactly what you believe.

The mind is a tool for manifestation. When you consciously use your minds then you are familiar with your soul, your attention is on your essence and not entirely on the interpreter of reality who constantly translates and imposes how you should experience yourself. But that INTERPRETER OF REALITY is so pronounced in your experience that you don’t even notice it, this is fascinating in all that game you agreed to play on Earth.

ALWAYS OBSERVE CONTEMPLATIVELY, especially in such challenges where the reality interpreter offers you scenarios and emotions that occur very automatically in your experience of yourself. Stop and observe.

Ask yourself: “Who is this one now who offers me such purports?” Contemplate in such challenges! “Since I can notice you means you are separated from me, and when you are separated from me then you are not me! As soon as I’m noticing you, means you are coming from SEPARATION, and as soon as I can notice you, then I can choose not to choose you for my experience! ”This is called applying awareness in practice, especially when an interpreter of reality is stirred up initiated by some situation.

Observe it and if somehow you can start having fun with it, it would be most wonderful if you could, because it is a sign that you are not attached, and when you are not attached then you are detached, and when you are detached then you are free. You believe so strongly in the interpreter of reality and its automatic thought-emotional patterns that you robotically become instruments of such a vibration.

It is a very fascinating connection of beliefs, mind, body and emotions. The vibration of the belief with which you vibrate is followed by emotion, body, and then circumstances, environments, situations, people, and everything that appears in your material expression of the world.

Many of you in some of your misadventures condemn and blame yourself for drawing such experiences into your reality. Thank them, our dear ones, where there is guilt, there is no joy, these are challenges in which you can clearly see your interpreters of reality that are so stirred up that you cannot stop them. It is a remarkable opportunity to realise your Divine power – for in great darkness the light is most seen and noticed.

In a very strong and intensely low vibration you can become aware of your Divine power and ascend from that vibration to a very high vibration of experiencing yourself and all thanks to the low vibration. Without it, you would not ascend, so greet everything that comes to your experience; everything is there to call for growth and not to punish.

Creation was never based on punishment, nor will be. And therefore – THERE IS NOTHING BAD OR GOOD, BUT SIMPLY EVERYTHING IS AS IT IS.

Remain in the Divine consciousness of who you really are.


Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.

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