You are children of light and you give birth to children of light. Wondering how? We will explain:
There are families of light and families of darkness. Not just on your planet and galaxy but all over Creation. It was simply created that way from the beginning. Darkness needs light – light needs darkness – to reflect in each other. How would you know to recognize light if everything is light?! There must be darkness so that you can recognize light in relation to darkness. Can you follow us?
We think you can, indeed. Existence as Creation, as ‘All that exists’ is simply playing with itself in this way. And darkness was created by one and the same Source who created Light, no matter what darkness thinks it is not.
What is the basic difference between darkness and light?
The difference is in the experience of separation. Let us clarify this in more detail.
Everything that is experienced separately from the Wholeness contains more darkness in itself than light. On an experiential level, we can present darkness as fear and suffering. In the language of vibration – darkness has a lower frequency as opposed to light.
What does it mean?
It means that light is a multi-frequency vibrating structure and contains a photon code of primordial origin. For everything is made of light and returns to light. We will present this to you through an analogy to bring the meaning closer to you.
Creation has happened and creation is happening. From one very powerful (unimaginable by any mind) boiling point / impulse of life / creative force, creation and later manifestation took place. The rays of light were born from a zero, enormously infinite creative force and these were the first two rays of light ever created.
They contained in themselves all the creative potential of the Divine power of creation. They had the desire, the need and some kind of urge to create, as everything created has same potential to create. Eons back (unimaginable to any mind) galaxies, worlds, planets have been created and came to be… The rays learned by creating. Just as a child learns to walk while falling, so they have learned.
(There is material called ‘Laws of All That Exists’ already channelled and presented through our channel and it would be highly desirable for your clearer picture to read that material as well. This story of the origin will be much clearer to you through the material ‘Laws of All That Exists’.)
You can understand the teaching of the two original rays through one of the five ‘Laws of‘ Everything That Exists ’and that is‘ THE LAW THAT ALL IS ONE AND ONE IS ALL ’or‘ ALL THAT IS IN THE MICRO IS IN THE MACRO ’and vice versa. It is this holographic approach of all creation and existence. The big is in the small and the small is in the big. More precisely, all creation codes in the macro are located in both the micro and the smallest unit of Creation. With a mind – we note again through our messages – don’t bother to understand it – it’s just like forcing a fish to fly.
Means: Everything that is created is created from those two great cosmic rays. We will call them silver and gold ray. They were inseparable. They created through play and enjoyed their own existence and gratitude because they exist, because they are – because they have such Divine powers of creation that they discovered them by creating – they did not know at once what they are and what they can do – by existing and creating they revealed who they are, just like you – and just like everything that exists.
They knew they existed in unconditional love and unconditional love was their law and purpose. They created and created.
Until once when the silver ray thought it could create without the golden ray. It broke free from the golden ray thinking it could create the same as with the golden ray. Since then we can say by analogy that darkness as a vibration begins. The vibration of darkness on a practical, living, creative level represents abduction, separation, isolation from the ‘Wholeness / All that is’, separation from common, universal, cosmic laws.
Remember the very beginning of creation, that zero point of life force and the impulse of love from which the first two rays were born – (we call it God from our dimension of consciousness). It is the eternal, perfect, creative force of life that is and it will be. It is so and so it will be. That is why we always, when we talk about ‘existence’, say that everything came from unconditional love and in no other way.
The silver ray went to create by itself. It simply wanted so. In its creation it separated itself from the eternal Source and forgot its own Source of Light. Creating – the silver ray fell into oblivion and through oblivion it had less and less Divine potential of creation. When one forgets one's own Divine Source then one creates from the experience of separation and a vibration of fear is created which more and more separates the individual from the Source. Fear separates.
The silver ray continued to create, but that vibration of creation was no longer as pure, benevolent, and joyful as it had been in the beginning when it was still creating along with the golden ray. When one is not aware of ‘Oneness’ and the common Source, then fear is created from which more and more suffering is born. Why? Because you feel, you experience being separated from ‘All that is’ and so you sow.
Let us continue the story of origin through this analogy.
The golden ray remained in the frequency of unconditional love, but just because it is unconditional love – it had to let the silver ray go. The Golden ray is aware of its own Divine nature and does not violate the laws and rules of ‘Oneness’. The Silver ray violates the laws and rules of ‘Oneness’ and therefore has limited power of creation. One who is aware of the ‘One’ is given unlimited creative power. So it is and so it will be.
The time has come to limit the power of creation to some families on your planet. You can already assume that these families on your planet were created from the Silver ray. It is a frequency that is not aware that ALL IS ONE AND ONE IS ALL. You know, many know that there are very powerful families of darkness on your planet that rule behind the scenes. Those families of darkness are the offspring of the Silver ray.
The universe to which you belong together with the planet Earth is the UNIVERSE OF FREE WILL and that is why it was also free for the beings of darkness. When the door is open then anyone can enter. When your universe was created it was created from the very beginning as a universe of free will, a universe that is very challenging for the growth and evolution of the soul.
Portals through which one can visit a particular planet were opened on planet Earth because it is a universe of free will. The beings of darkness have recognized planet Earth as an extraordinary place to inhabit – they have been there with you for a long time. They don’t want to leave the planet because they consider it their home. Control, fear, enslavement are the mechanisms of the rule of the beings of darkness. The appeals, the prayers of the Earthlings have been heard by the beings of Light throughout the Universe and they are now returning to return planet Earth to light and light only.
Listen to us carefully: It is now, that period is right now, because it is now. A Galactic Federation of Light has been created, made up of many civilizations of light and beings of light to help planet Earth and this part of the universe to return to the laws of Oneness. Alliance of Light – Galactic Federation of Light has been united long time ago and for long time has been present and oversees the planet Earth. However, the beings of darkness have no limit, in their creation they have violated many laws of ‘Oneness’ and have become a danger to the entire galaxy. Just because of this – the Divine Decree has arrived to the Galactic Federation of Light and to the beings of Light to unite and help your planet Earth to rise in its vibration and shake off the darkness from itself.
Is the picture clearer to you now, our dear ones? Do you now have any hunch what is going on behind the scenes of your rule, your everyday life, your TV screens, your websites? You are purposely programmed by beings of darkness and you have simply served their laws that do not work for ‘Oneness’ (common good, happiness, well-being of each created individual), but work exclusively for the interests of the separated, the isolated. From this you can guess where the ‘ego lower self’ came from. The ego is nothing but a separate part that thinks it can act against Oneness and be Oneness. Creation does not kill itself, our dear ones.
God is all that exists and why would any part of Creation be killed. The beings of darkness have fallen into complete oblivion and are therefore dark. The beings of light are aware of this and they try in various ways to help this part of the universe.
Many ask: ‘Where have you been so far?’
We have always been there, but the laws of free will did not allow us to get involved. We are now authorized directly by the Source to have freedom of action and we are now here much more directly than before.
Your histories are incorrect what you learn in schools. You are a civilization that is deceived and rests on lies. You, you beings of light – you who are reading this are offspring of the GOLDEN ray–families of Light who have consciously come to where they are, to be the light and help planet Earth to ascend.
You have incarnated (although many Earthlings in their belief system do not believe in incarnation, and by this we would not want to offend their belief system), but you have spent many lives on Earth sowing the Light. Many generations had to be born on planet Earth from the family of Light in order for light to be sustained. You who are reading and listening to this are those who come from the family of Light and you are the ones who receive the light impulses from your cosmic relatives of light. You are the ones who spread these impulses where they are.
Understand: the language and methods of Light are unconditional love and are not such as to chase away all that is ‘dark’. We are aware of the Divine postulate of not desecrating anyone and anything. Everything is as it is, everything serves ONE. But the actions of the dark have violated the criterion of Oneness, and we are now where we are.
Now is the momentum when you are ready to receive information of this kind of vibration. You could not understand it before, now there are more of you from the family of light on planet Earth, NOW is that momentum of raising the consciousness of your planet. The mission that you all sense somewhere deep in your hearts has taken off. It is now fully revealing to you. You, our dear ones, have been carrying out this mission step by step for a long time, but now you are ready to admit it to yourself clearly and loudly because there are more of you, now you are more powerful because you are an army and forces of light. Now you are marching in public and you are not afraid of ‘who you are’. It is you, our dear family of light, it is you…
Remain in the Divine consciousness of who you really are.
Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.
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