clouds, sky, light


You must have asked yourself this question, and not just once. This question is knocking from the inside to someone every day, to someone less often, but to everyone has been knocked on at least once. Why you are where you are, is there any higher meaning in that? Where was your original home, when you die (cross) where will you go, do you know how to cross that side consciously, and that ‘other side’, where is it at all?!

You came because you wanted to; you came because you wanted with all your being to experience yourself in the lower dimensions of existence. Planet Earth as a school for the evolution of the soul is not at all easy when compared to other dimensions of existence. None of you just happened to be there, no one went astray; everything was very carefully planned even before you inhabited the bodies in which you are.

You know, the soul that is the Divine Essence needs a body and mind for experiences and adventures, the soul is eternal and omnipresent, it wanted to come where you are to experience itself and learn.

The soul chose the right family, the genetic code of the family, the state, the continent, the friends, the profession, it wanted to experience itself exactly where you are. It wanted to experience all the dark situations you experienced because she knew she couldn’t learn otherwise.

It knew that it can only learn through the game of duality on Earthdark-light, cry-laughter, sadness-joy, fear-love, etc. It knew it was going to hurt and it consciously came to experience it, believe it or not, it is simply so because it is so.

Your minds are now surely asking ‘who would intentionally go where it hurts?’ – You, get to know yourself. Only ambitious and brave souls choose planet Earth for spiritual growth, so kiss yourself on the inside and congratulate yourself. You have come to the physical universe where experience is everything; experience is the most relevant school. It is simply unthinkable to be where you are without experiencing and without feeling.

How do you know what is cold until you feel the cold through all your bodies, senses, cells?

How do you know what crying is until you cry to the point of sobbing?

How do you know what fear is until you tremble?

How do you know what jealousy is until you want to keep someone or something possessively to yourself?!

You have simply signed that you cannot grow and learn without opposites at the other end of the duality.

It is known what heat is only when the cold is experienced.

It is known what laughter is only when it is known what crying is.

The experience of unconditional love is known only when you have experienced attachment to anything you thought you can't be without it. There is simply no end to this, each experience has its dual nature, or its opposite: yin-yang, light-dark, Sun-Moon, right-left, male-female, etc.

You knew exactly where you were coming from, you just don’t remember. That was your plan. You have planned to forget who you are and to be a part of the One who is ALL. You planned to remember because how to remember if you haven’t forgotten?

The creation of ‘everything that is’ is simply ‘already is’, everything is already created in the CREATED. Creation plays with itself in a way that Divine individuals like you choose oblivion to be able to remember. Divine essences (souls) in the physical universe choose a game of duality in which they remember their Divine nature because of the very game of existence.

EVERYTHING IS ONE AND ONE IS EVERYTHING, nothing can be separated from ONE anyway, that game of separation is called illusion and you are just playing it. Theatrical play that you play you called an illusion.

You are in a period of ‘your soul evolution’ called recollection. That is why you are now more than ever overwhelmed with a lot of information about who you are, about the spiritual world, soul, consciousness, the present moment, the Higher Self, the law of resonance and the like. Information is there to encourage you to remember, in a way they are provoking your memory to come to the light of consciousness. The inner anxieties you experience become more intense only to make you focus your attention inside, because everything is inside.

Everything in the macro is in the micro, there, inside of you are all the answers to your questions, feel free to go inside and see through the experience that EVERYTHING IS ONE AND ONE IS EVERYTHING, and when is it so then it is true: that everyone is where they need to be be, right now, right here.

Remain in the Divine consciousness of who you actually are.


Translated Gordana FreeSpirit. THANK YOU for the initiative, translation and dissemination of Light information.

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